Biking and walking are healthy, low-cost rideshare alternatives to driving. Partners like Metro and Los Angeles Walks host fun events to get residents together to socialize, walk, and bike to fun new areas in the county.
Biking to work is not only an efficient way to rideshare, but it is also good for your health. Did you know that driving on the highways actually exposes you to more unhealthy air than if you weren’t on the road? The car you drive in cannot keep out the smog from the cars around you, especially when you’re stuck in traffic.
When you are biking, more than likely you are away from the concentration of cars on the freeway. According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, studies are showing preliminary results that pollution is concentrated near highways and one to two miles into the communities they go through. It’s been shown that the air is substantially more polluted on or near the freeway. So you benefit from bicycling not only in the exercise, but in the less polluted air. Biking is an excellent solution for a healthier commute. Take Pride and Share the Ride.
The Metro Bike Share system makes it easy for riders to access bikes anytime. For more details on how to rent a bike or to locate a station near you, visit:
Metro Bike Share Click Here

Walking all or part of the way to and from work is a fun and healthy way to rideshare. A little more time spent getting the body moving instead of sitting driving or riding to work can lead to better health thanks to cleaner air and exercise.